This website is part of “Community Mapping in MPAs”, a Dorset and East Devon Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) funded project. the project is run jointly by Dorset Wildlife Trust and the Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) with the support of Natural England and National Trust.
The aims of the project are to highlight the nationally and internationally important marine wildlife of Dorset, demystify the complex and confusing system of Marine Protected Areas and how they are regulated and to celebrate the benefits that come from careful stewardship of the marine environment, including the high quality seafood harvested by the local inshore fishing fleet.
FLAGs are an initiative of the Marine Management Organisation and part of the European Maritime Fisheries Fund.
We are grateful to Dorset Coast Forum and the Dorset and East Devon FLAG team for their help in engaging with the local inshore fishing community and for all the fishers that gave up their time to contribute their wealth of knowledge and experience to the project.
Many local divers and amateur naturalists have contributed information, photos and videos, with particular thanks to Dorset Seasearch divers.
The project is immensely grateful to all those who permitted the use of their videos and/or photographs for use on this site.

FLAGs are community-led initiatives of the Marine Management Organisation and part of the European Maritime Fisheries Fund.

As Dorset’s largest nature conservation charity, DWT champions wildlife and natural places on 42 reserves and by working with others.

IFCAs aim to lead, champion and manage a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries whilst balancing social, environmental and economic benefits.

The National Trust has taken care of the UK’s special places for nearly 125 years, ensuring that our vibrant history and nature are preserved for generations to come.

Natural England is the government’s adviser for the natural environment, helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people and for the services they provide.

The EMFF is a fund helping fishermen transition to sustainable fishing. It supports coastal community economies and finances projects that create new jobs and improve quality of life.